We are a bunch of passionate doctors and volunteers with a mission to eradicate Hepatitis from India - one village at a time. 

Up until 2016 we were running an ad-hoc operation. Whenever we had time (mostly weekends) we went to villages we knew and conducted Hepatitis awareness and screening camps, and distributed medicines. The response we got was overwhelming. As word spread we started getting requests to conduct these camps from many villages in South India. Along with these requests came offers to donate money to conduct camps and distribute medicines (all the while we were funding these camps and treatments out of our own pockets). This posed a problem. There was no legal way for us to accept donations. But there was a far greater issue that troubled us. All along we had been collecting data. We were shocked when data showed Hepatitis prevalence to be as high as 13% in some villages (over 10% in many villages).  

Soon we realized that a problem of this scale cannot be tackled by our limited means and ad-hoc methods. We decided to form a legal entity to coordinate all our activities and bring in more resources and accountability.

Accordingly, we formed 'Save The Liver Foundation', a non profit body. The initial corpus of INR.50,00,000 was contributed by us and a few others who are now part of the Governing Body.


  • Dr Naveen Polavarapu MRCP, FRCP, CCT. Consultant Gastroenterologist
  • Dr K.S. Somasekhar Rao MD, DM. Consultant Gastroenterologist
  • Dr Sudarsana Rao Akkineni
  • Dr Mani Akkineni
  • Dr G. Sudarshan Rao
  • Mr Surapaneni Hanumantha Rao
  • Mr S V K S R Lakshmana Rao


  • As a non profit entity.
  • Accountable to all stakeholders.